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My name is Kien and I’m an international photographer and filmmaker. Over the last 10 years, I’ve traveled to 70+ countries to find the most wonderful things to check off my bucket list. I hope to share that experience and what I’ve learned to help you do the same.

Let's Be Adventurers

The Real Faces of Cuba

I’m fascinated by faces. When I first started traveling, I would be instantly drawn to capturing certain types of faces. The grizzled old man with lines and wrinkles carved into his faces.

Travel Thoughts & Tips

11 Questions With Sayulita Sports Massage

Those who know me know I love massages and it’s something I seek out in every country I travel to. I partly attribute it to also the wear and tear of being  on the road and traveling, but over the years I’ve learned that my upper back muscles compensate a lot for the lack of curvature in my spine.